Remove tree sap: How to remove sap stains
Resin stains on the car not only look ugly, but can damage the paint. How to remove the resin quickly and easily.
Tree resin can become rock hard
Which home remedies help?
What you should definitely avoid
Everyone who drives a car knows this problem: If you park near trees in spring or summer, you’ll get scratches on your car’s paint sticky resin stains. Even if you don’t park directly under a tree, you are not immune to contamination due to falling leaves or needles.
Put most of the resin Conifers away. But deciduous trees such as poplars, birches and maples also distribute the sticky liquid generously. Unfortunately, resin does not remain liquid, but hardens over time. Then it becomes difficult to remove the stains from the car paint.
Why tree resin damages car paint
Resin attacks the paint over time. The longer it stays on the car, the greater the risk it has of damaging the paint underneath. If you wait too long, it could already be too late: the stains will remain in the paint and cause it to become in this place discolored and lighter vulnerable to environmental influences is.
While other types of contamination are often only cosmetic in nature, when it comes to tree resin you need to act quickly. In addition, resin becomes over time rock hard. This means: It is almost impossible to remove or can only be removed with great effort.
Tree resin: act quickly!
Those who discover the resin on the car early are lucky. Then a normal car wash can help. To ensure that the stains can be removed without any problems, you should take them with you beforehand hot water and one soft sponge pre-treat – the brushes Car wash do the rest.
It’s worth checking the body thoroughly for resin stains before driving to the car wash, as you won’t notice many stains at first. It’s best to also choose one Washing program with prewashto reliably remove resin stains.
Remove tree resin: follow-up treatment is usually necessary
Only when the resin is still quite fresh and soft will the car wash be able to completely remove the stains. Otherwise, manual work is the order of the day: help here hot soapy water and a Cloth or rag. The resin residue can be removed using circular movements and light pressure.
However, simply wiping over it is usually not enough. It is also advisable to do this again and again to change waterin order not to redistribute any resin that has been absorbed onto the paint. Resin also dissolves more easily with hot water.
Danger: Anyone who comes up with the idea of first treating the resin with a hot hairdryer is making a big mistake. This would just make it dry out even faster.
Check the car regularly for resin stains
If you take the time to remove resin stains from your car’s paint, you can immediately look for other dirt that needs to be treated in a similar way. For example, bird droppings attack paint like resin. But also Honeydew causes ugly stains. However, the sugary secretion of the lice is completely water-soluble and is much easier to remove than resin.
Dried tree resin: Use professional remedies
If tree resin dries on the car, the stains are very difficult to remove using conventional means such as soapy water and rags. Specific Tree sap remover are asked. They are applied to a cloth that is pressed onto the stain for a few seconds. The ingredients dissolve the resin so that it can be removed after a short time.
Afterwards, the area should be cleaned with plenty of clear water so that the tree resin remover does not attack the paint. The use of has a similar effect Penetrating oil, for example the universal oil WD-40, which is often available in stores. It penetrates the small pores of the resin and dissolves it after a short exposure time. The resin is removed with a cloth and the process is repeated if necessary.
Remove tree sap: These home remedies help
If you don’t necessarily want to buy special products to combat stubborn resin stains, you can first try home remedies.
Oils and fats from the kitchen cupboard or the workshop soften the resin. However, you have to allow a few hours of exposure time before the tree resin can be rubbed off.
Resin stains, however, can be removed quickly Door lock de-icer Remove: Five minutes and the resin has softened.
After removal: paint care
Once the resin stains have been removed, it makes sense to then care for the paint with a paint polish. Afterwards the vehicle should definitely be replaced by a new one Seal with a good car wax receive. This protects the paint as a precaution and prepares it well against a new attack of tree sap.
Text: Wolfgang Hörner
Technical advice: Matthias Zimmermann, Technical Center Landsberg